Sol LeWitt’s Wall Drawing #436: Asymmetrical pyramid with color ink washes superimposed, currently installed on loan from the LeWitt Foundation at Brown University’s Health and Wellness Center as part of the Public Art program, features five asymmetrical triangles resembling the unfolded faces of a pentagonal pyramid. LeWitt employed a minimalist style in his drawings, convinced that the value of art lies in the quality of the idea rather than its physical form. Using a combination of colors, geometrical shapes, and textures, his work derives inspiration from various movements of mid-twentieth century American art that similarly depicted simplified and abstract figures.
Featuring a combination of prints, collage, and painting by Ellsworth Kelly, Agnes Martin, Robert Motherwell, Frank Stella, and Charmion Von Wiegand drawn from the Bell's Collection, the objects on display echo an amalgam of the styles and visual forms entwined in the work of LeWitt and his peers.